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Lesson 3 Writing Assignment

Lesson 3 Writing Assignment

Q For this assignment, choose ONE of the writing prompts and write a minimum 300 word essay. For more detailed instructions, review the Instructions for Lesson Writing Assignments 1) Read the Pew Research article, “Americans feel the tensions between privacy and security concerns.” How should the government balance the tensions between privacy and national security concerns? Is the Constitution clear about potential conflicts between privacy and national security? How much privacy should Americans expect in an age where information about people is so readily available? 2) Chapter 6 briefly discusses judicial interpretivists and strict constructionists. For more discussion on the issue read “How does the Supreme Court decide what the Constitution means?” How does a strict constructionist (originalist) interpret the Constitution compared to a judicial interpretivist (non-originalist)? Do you think the Constitution should be interpreted literally or is it an evolving document that needs to be interpreted differently over time? Why?

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The position of Supreme Court is difficult in this system derives from its ability to overturn laws or executive decisions that it believes violate federal Law. This "judicial review" power has given the Court a critical role in ensuring separate rights and upholding a "living Constitution" whose broad necessities are constantly extended to new and complex circumstances. Although the role of judicial review is not expressly stated in the Constitution, it was expected before its adoption. State courts had already repealed legislative actions that violated state constitutions before 1789. Originalist Interpret the Constitution compared to a Non-Originalist “Non-originalists would argue that the same-sex marriage judgment is the clear illustration of why courts need some freedom to depart from the text, structure, and intended purpose,” Bursch said, adding that, while changes in state laws regarding same-sex marriage were still taking place, they were moving at a “slow slide.”